Wednesday, July 29, 2009

P3R2 Day #6 (169.2, LIW -2.6)

I have been losing the past 3 days and I am not complaining! I even had cheesecake the past 2 days and have still continued to move down! Maybe, just maybe I will start back on the shots below my LIW. That would be so great! But who knows... vacationing this week, I might gain a little. I am planning to stick to the no sugar/no starch and stay within my calories, for the most part on vacation. I will probably have some potatoes and carrots in my tin foil dinner, and maybe a taste of the raspberry shakes that Bear Lake is famous for! I'll just play it by ear. Even if I gain a little, I am still safe on being within range. I doubt I am going to gain 4.8 lbs it would take to require a correction day (knock on wood).

I don't know if he reads my blog, but I wanted to wish my little brother HAPPY BIRTHDAY today! Happy Birthday Zach!


  1. congratulations for getting out of the 10's. Finally huh? I ordered my HCG finally but will have to wait 10 days to get it. Are you going to start back again straight with the HCG or do the 2 day gorge and 3rd day VLCD. I am assuming that is what I will have to do to start back up. Hope you have a great vacation.

  2. They say if your break is less than 2 weeks, you just start straight back. If you are over 2 weeks but under 3 weeks, eat normally for the first two days of HCG, then VLCD on the 3rd day. If you have been off for 3 weeks or more you are supposed to do the loading again. Hope that helps!

  3. Oh an I meant before "congratulations for getting out of the 170's!
